Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Beautiful words...

"It's nice when two people keep each other company without promising to meet up at such and such a place, or to stay together forever. They simply travel together awhile, and if their routes happen to diverge, they both go their way in peace." ~Sophie Scholl, 1939

"I feel no desire for 'heroism' in war. What I seek is purification. I want all the shadows to melt away from me. I'm searching for myself, just myself, because this much I do know: I'll only find the truth inside me." ~Hans Scholl, 1939

Sophie's quote eloquently describes how I often feel and perhaps part of the reason the world wide web appeals to people. It's a type of freedom, knowing that at any moment you can reach out with an email or a post and contact someone who shares your passions, but if life or personal desire pulls you elsewhere, there is no guilt. The messageboard is always there...

As for Hans...I'm struck by how ardently he strives for enlightenment.


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